To learn more about our club management services
please contact us at 954-205-6074


System Stats

81,744 Players in the System

35 Registered for Training Programs
during last 12 months

1,353 Player Invoices generated by system
during last 12 months

623 Payments processed
during last 12 months

343 Online Payments
280 Cash & Checks

Demo of Features

Click on the Feature below
to see the demo

Director's Menu

Player Registration

Player Billing

Club Emails

Team List &
Player Page

Downloads to AES & SUTP

Practice Schedule


Player Account

Coaches Account


Thank You For Your Interest In Our Volleyball Club Management System!

Saves You Time

Originally designed to assist us with managing our own volleyball club, this system will save you countless hours associated with the labor intensive, time-consuming tasks associated with running a volleyball club.

Easy To Implement And Use

The system is web based and we offer it as a service. This means that you do not need to buy expensive equipment or software. Better yet, there is no software to install. All you need to use our service is your club's website. We will work with your webmaster to establish the necessary links to get the system operational. You can be up and running under an hour

Minimal Data Entry

Your athletes and parents will be responsible for entering their individual information into the system. Once registered, you will have all the information needed to point and click: billing, player data downloads, practice schedule updates, email communications, player page, player attendance as well as all the other features our system provides. .

Your Club's Data Is As Far As The Nearest Computer

Since the system is web based, access to your data is no further than the nearest computer. You can check on player billing and payments, send emails to your entire club, modify and release your practice schedule and look up a player's individual information from wherever you are. With our system, all you need is an internet connection and you can manage your club from anywhere!

Make The Impossible Possible

How would you like to make a change in your practice schedule and notify everyone immediately? Release the information to your website and with just 4 or 5 clicks of the mouse, every coach, parent, and player will be notified via email.
How would you like to download your entire club to either Sign-Up-To-Play or AES with one single click?
How would you like to to have every player invoiced without having to create a single invoice for your club season?
How would you like to email every single invoice due to the entire club with just one click? These are the same invoices that you never created.
How would you like to have all credit card payments automatically posted to your players' accounts?
How would you like to never have to give a coach or parent a single telephone number or player email. Yet have each and every coach be able to contact every team player?

If You Are A Volleyball Club Director, This Is The system

  • Player Registration - Customized to your club.
  • Player Billing - Including online payments using PayPal.
  • Player/Staff Emails - Auto set all directories.
  • Team & Teams Rosters - Auto set up - load team pictures.
  • Player Pages - Auto set up - loads pictures or videos.
  • Players Downloads - AES/SUTP - one click does entire club.
  • Practice Schedule - Instantly shows up on your website.
  • Customized Club Forms - Keeps track of missing paperwork.
  • Handles all communications - Players/coaches/parents.
  • Reports - Entire player database - financial/operational.
  • Player and Coaches accounts - Auto set up.
  • Fundraising
  • - Allows players to sell ads.

    Club Membership

    For the current season we had 100 clubs using our services. The smallest club had three teams, the largest club had 69 teams.

    For the next season close to 120 clubs will be using our services.

    Based on this level of interest, and with a player data base of 81,744 active players, this makes us the largest volleyball club management service provider in the nation.

    We would be glad to provide you with contact information for all of our customers for referral purposes.

    Private Policy Statement

    The data provided to our system is used solely for the management of the participating club. Data provided will not be made available to third parties, or to clubs other than the one you select by enrolling in one of their programs.

    If at any point you feel that your data has been misused, please contact me.

    Hugo Jimenez
    Sports Club Management Services
    Direct line: 954-205-6074

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